I have lived in Beijing for a year and half. When I got here, I was fresh out of college and thinking that I would just continue art like I did when I was studying art, but that is not the case when you begin your career as a teacher. Although, I had heard that that wouldn't be the case, I thought that I would be the exception. Foolish thing #1.
I have said more times than what I am comfortable admitting, "I'm going to get my art studio situated this weekend". I would buy colored pencils here, charcoal there, but never fully what I needed, like a pencil sharpener or fixitive and then I would complain to my wonderful husband, that I just don't have what it takes to really get started here and that I was afraid to spend the money because I didn't know how long we would be living here. But, I'm tired of living like this is a temporary situation. I have not really decorated my apartment either, and I'm not happy with it, and Matt sure isn't happy with my complaining.
So, for my birthday Matt started me a work area (furnished by IKEA). This has gotten me jump started. So today, I spent the day getting inspired at the art museum and then I went to buy all the materials I could possibly need, which is a lot because I do mixed media paper arts. But, now I'm set, and happy...well, all except for the fact that I am a fool for not doing this sooner.
Live and learn.
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